==================================== scope- Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope ==================================== This class is written for Tektronix Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope 7104. It supports following methods. ---------------- Channel settings ---------------- - **channel_offset(instr,ch_no, v_offset)**, sets the offset of a given channel. - **channel_scale(instr,ch_no, v_scale)**, sets the vertical scale. - **horz_scale(instr,scale)**, sets the horizontal scale. - **bandwidth_full(instr,ch_no)**, sets the maximum bandwidth. - **set_bandwidth(instr,ch_no,bw)**, sets the bandwidth to a given value. - **autoset(instr)**, auto sets the scope. - **set_abs_ref_lev(instr,abs_min_ref_lev,abs_max_ref_lev)**, sets the absolute reference levels used for rise fall delay measurements. - **set_perc_ref_lev(instr,perc_min_ref_lev,perc_max_ref_lev)**, sets the percentage reference levels used for rise fall measurements. -------------------- Acquisition settings -------------------- - **run(instr)**, starts the acquisitions. - **stop(instr)**, stops acquisitions. - **run_mode(instr)**, configures the scope in continuous run mode. - **single(instr)**, configures the in single acquisition mode. - **single_refresh(instr)**, turns on the previously set acquisition mode. - **averaging(instr,no_avg)**, configures in the averaging mode. - **high_resolution(instr)**, configures in high resolution mode. - **single_acquisition_quickset(instr,ch_no,lev,edge)**, clears measurements, sets the trigger and starts the single mode acquisition. ---------------- Trigger settings ---------------- - **trigger_quickset_rise(instr, ch_no,lev)**, sets the rising edge trigger level for a given channel. - **trigger_quickset_fall(instr, ch_no,lev)**, sets the falling edge trigger level for a given channel. --------------------- Measurement functions --------------------- - **meas_cls(instr)**, clears the previous measurements. - **measure_source(instr,ch_no)**, sets the given channel as default channel for measurements. - **measure_amp(instr)**, measures immediate amplitude of the default channel. - **measure_high(instr)**, measure immediate high value. - **measure_low(instr)**, measures immediate low value. - **measure_freq(instr)**, measures immediate frequency value. - **measure_positive_duty(instr)**, measures immediate positive duty cycle. - **measure_negative_duty(instr)**, measures immediate negative duty cycle. - **measure_rise_time(instr)**, measures immediate rise time. - **measure_fall_time(instr)**,measures immediate fall time. - **measure_positive_pulse_width(instr)**, measures immediate positive pulse width. - **measure_negative_pulse_width(instr)**, measures immediate negative pulse width. - **delay(instr, ch1=1, ch2=2,edge_ch1 = 'RISE',edge_ch2 = 'FALL',direction ='FORW')**, measures delay between two channels for given edge type and direction. ------------------------------------------ DPOJET functions (for jitter measurements) ------------------------------------------ - **dpojet_clr_meas**, clears the measurements. - **dpojet_state(instr)**, queries the state of the dpojet application. - **dpojet_run(instr)**, runs the application. - **dpojet_stop(instr)**, stops the application. - **dpojet_population(instr,n)**, sets the population. - **def dpojet_period(instr)**, sets the time period measurement. - **def dpojet_result(instr)**, queries the measured values. - **dpojet_status_query(instr)**, queries the status of measurement. - **dpojet_quickset(instr,n)**, configures and measures the jitter in time period.